Sunday, December 6, 2009

Heard in Testimony Meeting

Always fun to listen to children in testimony meeting. Today I heard two amusing comments: 1) "And I love daddy, because I have to"--Sierra, and 2) "I know it took millions of people to build the Nauvoo temple"--Brooke. One never stops learning in the church!

1 comment:

LinnieBell said...

Two things:
1) I've loved all your recent blog entries!
2) I love when I learn things on your blog!

...make that 3 things:
3) are you serious about the grapefruit? I'm thinking you're not serious. I'm thinking it's more of an excuse to get out of eating fruit slushee. If you are being serious, I'm grateful you're taking those meds that prevent you from eating grapefruit because I can have your portion of fruit slushee!

love you! Linds

Play These Songs at my Funeral