Tuesday, December 15, 2009

22 Million Emails--Found!

News flash! It has just been reported that the 22 million Whitehouse emails, missing since President George W. Bush left office, have been found!

"I was just cleaning", said Shelly O'bama, "and I pulled out this moldy box from under the bed, and there they were.

"I'm sure that woman must not have cleaned under the bed the whole time she lived here" said O'bama, eyes flashing. "How can people live like this?"

"It's a monumental task" to go through all these emails, according to newly established Federal Bureau of Emails (FBE) spokesperson Billy Gates, "but we're determined to read each and every one. Who knows what we'll find?" While not returning phone calls, we have inside information that several late night talk show hosts have been contacted by FBE officials to help sort through the rubble.

Many have likened this discovery to that of uncovering a lost civilization. Others say it's more like burrowing into a modern garbage dump. In either case, one thing is clear: liberals everywhere should be able to sleep better now.

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