The Taj Mahal.JPG)
Goats and Sheep.JPG)
Monkeys (how many can you count? And no, they're not in a cage, those bars are to keep me out, not them in!)
I'm heading to India tomorrow, my second trip there. My first trip was such a learning experience. I came back feeling very humble, in that seeing the circumstances of so many people in poverty made me recognize once again what a great blessing it is to live in the United States. With all the challenges we have in our country, we would all do well to visit India and other impoverished nations before we complain. I suspect our complaints would diminish greatly. I saw people literally living in garbage heaps, openly bathing on the side of the road, begging for money everywhere, and just struggling to survive at every turn. I took many photos while there, and felt ashamed when I came home and looked at them--I didn't mean to document that great nation's misery. This first picture juxtaposes the great Taj Mahal, a truly magnificent edifice, with the living conditions of many who live next to it. I think one of the most striking cultural differences is how animals are free to roam as they please--and they please to go everywhere! Click on any picture for a larger view.
Goats and Sheep
Monkeys (how many can you count? And no, they're not in a cage, those bars are to keep me out, not them in!)
1 comment:
be safe!! love you!
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