Friday, September 5, 2008

Trick Question: Which One is Too Expensive?

Gasoline, $4.00/gallon
Lipton Iced Tea, $9.52/gallon
Ocean Spray Juice, $10.00/gallon
Gatorade, $10.17/gallon
Diet Snapple, $10.32/gallon
Evian Water, $21.19/gallon
Wite-Out, $25.42/gallon
Brake Fluid, $33.60/gallon
Scope Mouthwash, $84.48/gallon
Pepto Bismol, $123.20/gallon
Vicks Nyquil, $178.13/gallon
HP Printer Ink, $4,294.58/gallon


Katie and joe said...

white out. for sure.

David Hargiss said...

Not sure the wite-out is too expensive. Like many of the items on the list, it depends on the need at the moment. Wite-out can be worth a lot when you've made a mistake in the last field of a bound, multipage form... So, my answer is that none of them are "too" expensive. :-)

Jason Vorva said...

haha more propaganda from excessive profit taking oil company hacks!!! lol

Of course I can choose to avoid using most of the other products on the list, but I am really in trouble if I don't want to use gasoline...

I am sure that our companies would utilize our own resources and build more refineries if it were easier to do so. Why some enterprising politicians have not run with the issue of putting Americans to work extracting our own energy is beyond me.

Anyway, all y'all check out my blog

Nice blog bishop b.

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