Saturday, April 11, 2009

Zombie Boogie Juice

Panic City! We went to get some sauce for our spicy meatballs at our favorite little salsa shop in the whole world, located in Alton, IL, and they were out of business! Not only did we not have any meatballs for Conference weekend to share with everyone, we started thinking maybe the manufacturer had gone out of business, because we couldn't find any store anywhere carrying this brand, Ahrun's Finest Zombie Boogie Juice. It's the best! It's made with habanero peppers and pineapple. I am not a fan of habanero salsas, because they are always so nuclear-spicy hot that you can't enjoy the flavor. But the makers of this barbecue sauce figured out that a little goes a looooong way, and got it just right. Meatballs like you have never tasted. Mmmmm!

What to do, what to do? Google to the rescue, I was able to locate a vendor (The Insane Chicken--probably ate a raw habanero) and place a mail order. And of course, shipping is pretty pricey no matter who you're buying it from, so to get maximum value, I just went ahead and got my year's supply. Hmmm...I wonder what the shelf life is for barbecue sauce?


LinnieBell said...

want to send one of those bottles out west?? :)

Unknown said...

chili heads was my favorite shop. I just found a website called paula's pepper jelly. they had it advertised at 35 when i went to order the gallon, she processed the order then sent an email that said send another 48 dollars to get your gallon. Do not use that site, I have since gone to the chicken site and they do not advertise one price and sell at another.
I miss chili heads the little spice shop in Alton, Il.

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