This week, US Airways Flight 1549 went down. Early information is that the plane encountered a flock of Canada Geese and the engines were damaged. The plane landed in the chilly Hudson River, and yet everyone on board survived.
The news has had nothing but praise for the pilot, Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, who skillfully brought the plane down in a way that few others have ever done, keeping the fuselage intact and giving everyone time to safely exit the plane and be rescued by a ferry. I have also heard praise for the flight crew and even the plane designers, and I am sure all this is well deserved.
I also think this is just one small answer to the question so many people ask, when disaster strikes: "Why doesn't God intervene?"
We can be so quick to ask that question when the outcome of an accident, a disease, a war, is tragic. I say, let's be just as quick to exclaim, "God must have intervened!" when we see something like this.
I have to believe there were many, excruciatingly urgent--and very sincere--prayers offered, just before that jet went down. Surely, the Lord blessed many families as this event unfolded. I choose to believe that Captain Sullenberger had presence of mind to remember all his training, the calm he needed to execute his craft, the strength to lead in a moment of crisis, because the Lord Omnipotent's hand was upon him and that flight.
Think of the sorrow of so many individuals that has been avoided, the financial ruin of so many families that has been averted, the yet-to-be-born descendents that will still come to those blessed parents. I hope every person on the flight thought to end their day on bended knee, thanking God, from whom all blessings flow. Our nation should do the same.
Very touching words......
i love reading what you have to say.
Katie R
Thanks Katie!
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