Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Me and Wii and Sarah Make Three

So Sarah moved the "Wii" from the basement to the family room tonight. She set it up (she's a real gearhead!) and then turned it on. She got this little game going and got me to play with her. It looked really simple. All you had to do was "push a button" when the little bell of a certain color moved across the screen. She had the 'P1' controller and apparently I had 'P2'. We go through the song "Do Re Mi" and music is playing but I can't tell if I'm doing well or not. Then the song is over and the score pops up. Sarah 96, Dad 0. Zero? Huh? Ok, which button am I supposed to be pushing? I don't have a 'B' button. No, 1 and 2 buttons don't work either. What do you mean I have to hold it like a violin? On and on it went, Sarah giving me instructions that didn't work, while she continued to rack up the points. Oh, this is really fun.... So I told Sarah not to touch a button while I figured this out. When she did nothing, I was able to beat her 24 to nothing. That wasn't much fun either, so I bagged it for the night. Then she told me that I was the DARK blue bells, not the light. Since I'm partially color blind I wasn't even seeing there was both dark and light colored bells! And then she said the dark ones were all on the same line! And she wrapped up by letting me know I had the controller and the nunchuck in the wrong hands.

I would tell Sarah I am mad at her for not telling me all the rules and tricks, but she is laughing so hard she wouldn't hear me anyway. And besides, she gets this sense of humor from me.

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