For a number of years, I have had the thought that it would be very satisfying to publish a book, on the subject of the really good questions I have received about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and my answers to those questions. However, I have realized I just don't have time to do a book right now, and beyond that, it would really be more of a "booklet" than a book--and probably not much of an audience these days for booklets. But recently I had the idea that maybe I could use this blog to get started. So if you have any comments or suggestions, I would really appreciate the feedback--you can be my editors and critics! Here are some of the questions I intend to address:
Tithing? Did You Say Ten Percent of My Income?
Why Aren't Women Equal to Men?
Why Do You Worship Adam and Other Gods?
Priesthood Authority? Who Needs That?
Why Don't You Believe The Bible?
How Many Wives Do You Have?
Why Can't You Just Accept The Saving Grace of Christ?
Will a Cup of Coffee Keep Me Out of Heaven?
Why Do You Call Joseph Smith a Prophet?
Why Would a Loving God Send His Children to Hell, Forever?
Why Doesn't God Intervene and Stop All These Bad Things?
So, that's my list. And if you think I've missed a really good one, I'd like to hear that, too. I'm thinking I'll probably post 1 or 2 a week, with the first one later this weekend.
I hope you do get the chance to write a book someday Rich...you have a very special spirit and an incredible way of putting your words to paper.
I love coming here and reading~
your children are so blessed to have your wisdom, humor and love.
Do keep your eye on your goal and write a book someday, so many of us will be blessed because of it.
Recently, we had an evangelical minister knock on our door. After some nice, courteous remarks, he finally got to the big question about what church we attend. After some minutes of him telling me what I believed, he almost shouted "Let us pray!" When he finished, I said, "Now it's my turn." My son was almost rolling on the floor at what he described as a "Pray Off". So, maybe you could address Why We Believe That Satan is the Brother of Jesus. We get that thrown at us regularly here in the Bible Belt. I pointed out that he must believe Satan is the son of Jesus since he believes that Jesus is the same person as Father -- the Trinity thing again. I'll buy your book! Pete
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