1) Photo number 1 is:
A) A look behind the scenes of the set for Superman's Ice Palace
B) Star Wars' Death Star inner workings
C) A high school physics experiment gone awry
D) _______________________________
2) This is an actual photo of
A) Mitosis (cell division)
B) The sun, weeping over global warming
C) Something we don't talk about in polite company
D) _____________________________
3) Click on the photo to see:
A) Leaking electrons from satellite cables
B) The reason the refrigerator icemaker doesn't work
C) Variation on Chinese water torture techniques
D) _________________________________
4) These vertical structures are:
A) Part of Rich's latest project at work
B) Nuclear fuel rods stolen from the set of "24"
C) Electron microscopy of the printed circuit board in a modern computer
D) ________________________________
Donations are being taken for repairs to all the above. Between the $200 surcharge plus double time for Sunday work, this was a really big ouchie.